
Lisa Gryzagoridis


Dear Readers,

A hearty welcome to final edition of the PMI Switzerland Chapter Newsletter of 2023.

As we limp to the finish line of the 2023 working period, I’m certain that we are all looking forward to a festive holiday season, where we shall enjoy spending time with loved ones and indulge in all manner of tasty treats.

To shepherd us into the close of the year, this edition will reflect on recent well-received events, share upcoming events of interest, highlight significant Swiss Chapter achievements, and deliver insightful articles to stimulate our weary, yet curious, minds.

We are proud to share two resounding Swiss Chapter successes, namely the Record-Breaking Membership, and one of the Social Impact initiatives that form part of the broader scope of the Social Impact Team’s portfolio of work. This team's Social & Youth Initiatives were also celebrated at the Europe Chapter Leaders Meeting in Lisbon (02 - 03 March, 2023).

Aligned to the Record-breaking membership, we are delighted to introduce 9 new members, and we look forward to welcoming them to all future events, as well as discovering more about them personally.

Along with a host of newly scheduled networking events, we are pleased to announce the ever anticipated, and highly regarded, Annual Members Meeting 2024.

In closing, I wish to extend seasons greetings to the entire PMI Switzerland Chapter, and wishing you a wonderful close to 2023. Health and Happiness to all!

Happy reading!

Warm regards,
