Laura Ares

Author: Laura Ares

In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), two titans have emerged as formidable players in the world of text generation: ChatGPT and Bard. Recently, a workshop titled "AI in Project Management: Capabilities, Limitations, & the Power of Emotional Intelligence" brought these AI giants to the forefront, showcasing their unique capabilities and examining their limitations in the context of project management.

The Duel Begins: ChatGPT vs. Bard

The workshop kicked off with an exploration of the capabilities of ChatGPT and Bard in the realm of project management. Both AI models demonstrated their prowess in understanding and generating human-like text, offering insights into various aspects of project management.

  • ChatGPT's adaptability and versatility were evident as it effortlessly tackled a range of project management scenarios.It showcased its ability to assist project managers in tasks such as generating project reports, drafting emails, and even providing advice on stakeholder communication. 
  • Bard demonstrated its flair for storytelling, illustrating how it could craft engaging narratives to convey project progress and challenges effectively. Its creative approach to text generation was intriguing and brought a fresh perspective to project reporting.

Limitations: Where Do They Fall Short?

While both ChatGPT and Bard exhibited impressive capabilities, the workshop driven by Florian Ivan didn't shy away from exploring their limitations. Although it is very useful to avoid the blank page syndrome or even as a checklist, the content is quite generic and really depends on the art of each user to provide the necessary information to the AI model.

As he flagged, “technology is more advanced than we are”, but one element remains irreplaceable - human emotions, and according to the expert, it will be the main limitation for these tools, at least for the next months to come.

The Power of Emotional Intelligence: A Human Touch

One area where both ChatGPT and Bard fell short was in replicating Emotional Intelligence (EI), which is essential in project management. EI encompasses empathy, interpersonal skills, and an understanding of human emotions - qualities that are difficult to replicate in AI models. At the end, as Florian said “EI is understanding why SMART people do stupid things”.

The workshop underscored that AI, no matter how advanced, cannot replace the nuanced human touch required for effective communication, team collaboration, and stakeholder management.

Manage your emotions, not control them

This emotional intelligence journey emphasizes the importance of managing and identifying emotions without the relentless pursuit of control. How? With 3 simple steps:

  1. Stop - Pause - Write your emotions: name your emotion and make it manageable. In other words, find a solution to a problem.
  2. Know your trigger: adapt yourself to the context. For example, do not give bad news in the morning.
  3. Express yourself: replace current expressions such as “Could I ask you a stupid question?” by sentences like “ I do not agree with you. Assert yourself.

Conclusion: A Convergence of AI and Human Expertise

In the end, the workshop left participants with a clear message: AI can augment project management, but the true power lies in the collaboration between these AI titans and human professionals. As project managers continue to leverage AI tools, they must also harness their emotional intelligence to ensure successful project outcomes. To quote our speaker: "it's just a tool. make your own judgments".

Laura Ares