Author: Philip Springuel, PMP

Philip Springuel 90x90

Welcome back in September! Let’s meet at PMI Switzerland events

Dear PMI Switzerland members and supporters,

We're very grateful that you faithfully follow PMI Switzerland! This month’s newsletter welcomes you back to work in September with can’t-miss articles to get you re-charged; and invites you to attend key events that promise to empower you to live your life and work to their fullest potential.

Take a few minutes to read inspiring articles on a variety of topics: Edul Nakra provides us with a retrospective on "Why Stakeholders Regularly Ignore Your Project Reports and How to Fix That", and Ka Yi Hui shares an exceptional interview with Anne-Sophie Scharff, Chief Happiness Officer of Girls in Tech Switzerland.

This month your newsletter also reminds you of important upcoming events:

Please rapidly investigate your availability to attend the 10th PMI Switzerland Conference, on 29 September. This in-person event in Zurich features the theme “Innovation in Project Management" and will include a special focus on tools, practices and methods for changing times. A fresh perspective, first-hand insights and countless connections are just some of the things you will walk away with. Register NOW.

If the value of networking needed reminding, the newsletter highlights five new members of the PMI Switzerland Chapter. 

We offer an enlightening summary of the Hermes Master Class event held recently and highlight the upcoming Master Class on 25 September that teaches you to be your own Chairperson! Sign up today to attend. Also look forward to both our 8 October PMI Coffee break and 16 October PMI Volunteer Day, when you can learn all there is about the joys and benefits of lending your valuable skills to your Swiss PMI Chapter.

Do take a few minutes to read your September newsletter, comment on our social media and offer us any feedback you may have.

Happy reading and remember to register for events today!