claire mizutani

Claire has over 12 years of professional experience across various sectors, organizations, roles, and geographies, and currently works within the financial sector in a sustainability role. She continuously strives towards improving her project management, operational excellence, and stakeholder engagement skills. She is a curious learner, always open to broadening her knowledge through training and interactions with like-minded professionals.

Claire obtained her PMP Certification in 2020, which helped her solidify her project management skills. Recently she renewed her certification (October 2023) and is excited to have joined the Swiss chapter.

Claire possesses Master's Degrees in both Engineering and Business, and in 2020 obtained her certification in Business Sustainability Management from the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). She has dual citizenship (French and Japanese), and grew up in the U.S. Following the years that she attended universities in France and Argentina, she moved to Lausanne, Switzerland (2016- ).

Claire is passionate about Sustainability and Environmental topics, which is demonstrated through her active involvement in various related activities outside of the workplace. Currently she serves on various advisory and technical committees; performs an academic assessor role within the Business and Climate Change course at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL); volunteers for both the Swiss CISL Social Committee and SHE Changes Climate Switzerland network; provides mentorship to professionals in adopting sustainable practices; and is a recognised affiliated B Leader in Switzerland.

She spends a considerable amount of time enjoying the outdoors, and you are likely to find her running, hiking, paddle boarding or doing yoga. She loves a good book, classical music and jayy, and makes use of any opportunity to explore other cultures. As a big fan of gastronomy and wine, she is also a member of a wine club.

You can learn more about Claire by visiting her LinkedIn profile.