How our Chapter Elections Works

Our board members are elected for a two-years term by our members.
At the end of the year, we publish on this page the candidate profiles. Votation are held via electronic buletin.
The result is presented at the annual membership meeting.

Board Member Candidature

Become one of our board member !  
Participate to the next elections.


The candidate must be :

  • A member in a good standing.


First, the candidate need to prepare a dossier with some questions replied. Those question are available to download here : 

The button to download the procedure will be available soon

Once the candidate is ready, the candidate will fill the online questionnaire available at the end of this page with his prepared answers. 

The button "submit your candidature" will be available in the coming weeks.

A typical candidate Journey


First Idea

It is good to be inspired and have ideas that could bring the PMI Switzerland chapter to the next level.


after some weeks

Seduced by the Idea

Why not me?

My ideas are not too bad indeed and I have already prooven experiences of realisation in a professional environement where I was able to help.

Feel it

Preparing a candidature

A candidature well prepared needs its due diligence: what is required? Do I have the time to give to this new activity? What if it requires more time? would I provide more or abandon? What would be the consequences?

Feel it

End of Summer

Submit your candidature

You feel confident enough to be recognized by your peers, and PMI friends who were always apreciating your help, and your positive attitude. So you take a breath, fill the application form and submit it!
From there ... the possible is in the air...

End of the year

We take it from there

At the end of the year the candidatures are published and our members will receive their bulletin to provide their choice for the composition of the next board.

Result are communicated during Christmas to candidates and the board is formed and communicated during the Annual Membership Meeting.

End of the year